Finham Park Multi Academy Trust is committed to providing a wealth of CPD opportunities for staff across a range of stages in their careers.
The CPD we offer is varied and responds to the needs of the schools, the staff and the Multi Academy Trust. We invest in our staff’s learning and development so that together we can provide a ‘World Class’ education for all children from the age of 3-19.
It is important to Finham Park MAT that staff are able to personalise their professional develop to suit their career stage and future ambitions. Staff from across the Finham Park MAT have access to a shared CPD programme and are able to attend CPD offered by any of the schools within the Finham Park MAT.
We believe that some of the best CPD is that led by staff within our Multi Academy Trust. Not only does in house CPD allow those attending to learn from real life contexts which they can relate to, with the opportunity to follow up discussion, but it also provides opportunities for those staff leading the training. We encourage our staff to develop their own professional development by leading CPD in school, across the MAT and beyond.
Finham Park Multi Academy Trust works with primary and secondary schools in the Coventry and Warwickshire area to provide training and development. There are opportunities for our staff to work with colleagues across Key Stages and benefit from our Primary and Secondary expertise. We also offer staff opportunities for short or longer term secondments as part of their professional development.
We offer excellent bespoke opportunities for career development and in particular developing leadership skills and experiences. Through our work with the Lion Alliance Teaching School, staff are able to access 3 different Leadership pathways. The Lion Leadership runs an Aspiring Leader; Middle Leader; and Senior Leader programme. Staff, both teaching and support staff, are able to apply through the Lion Alliance for SLE appointments.
We encourage Action Research and our staff share best practice in a variety of ways. Finham Park MAT leads a 3 year Teaching and Learning cycle. Our Teaching and Learning focus, Responsive Teaching, is at the heart of our teaching and learning CPD.
The Finham Park MAT Annual Conference provides CPD opportunities for all staff, teaching and support staff, to come together. The day consists of keynote speakers and a series of workshops and networking opportunities which staff are free to select from.
Examples from the Finham Park MAT CPD programme include:
- Responsive Teaching
- TaLK – Action Research
- Teaching and Learning and Pedagogy
- Subject specific support
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Aspiring leadership development
- Middle leadership development
- Senior leadership development
- SLE support and training
- Initial Teacher Training
- Newly Qualified Teachers training
- Recently Qualified Teachers training
- Supporting children in the classroom
- Safeguarding
- Behaviour and Attendance
- Mindfulness
- Mental Health and Well-being
- IT and technical CPD for specific systems
- First Aid
- Governance
- Bespoke CPD