Meadow Park School
Visit our websiteA place to “be the best you can be”.
Meadow Park is a school in a period of transition and on a rapid journey of improvement to ensure it provides an innovative and inclusive education for all students. We value everyone that we work with, regardless of their differing needs, abilities and backgrounds. This ethos influences all that happens within the school with the aim for all students to “be the best they can be”.
Meadow Park is an 11-19 school with over 850 students on roll (including the Sixth Form). We are based in the south of the city and serve a range of different catchment areas. With over 40% of students coming from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds we believe that it is key to give all students an equitable experience to allow them to reach their full potential.

The school is built on a large scenic site with extensive playing fields and woodland wildlife areas which we use for team games, adventurous or enrichment activities and a modern sports’ hall providing outstanding indoor sporting facilities. There is extensive building work taking place in the local area connected to Jaguar Land Rover Global Headquarters, in close proximity to the boundary and visible from the school playing fields. There are many other businesses being developed in the area and this will provide a plethora of exciting opportunities for our students in the future.
Meadow Park provides a broad and balanced curriculum where students benefit from opportunities to be creative, innovative and to enjoy their learning with a wide extra-curricular offer throughout the year. We provide various opportunities in a range of subjects to ensure that we cater for the skills and talents of every child. More recently these have included:
- A year-round enrichment timetable
- An annual school musical production (Annie, Mathilda)
- A bi-annual ski trip
- A bi-annual water sport trip
- Peripatetic music lessons
- Arts Exhibition
- Year 7 Talent Exhibition
- Careers Fairs
- External speakers: Lord Coe (Olympic Gold Medallist), David Dein (ex- Arsenal FC Chairman) and Richard Murrell (Head of BBC News), and
- Hosting visits for Kamokita school in Japan (students and staff)
Successful candidates will benefit from working in a safe and stimulating environment. We have a dedicated, highly skilled and committed team of staff upholding high expectations of, and aspirations for our students’ attendance, punctuality, behaviour, uniform and attitude to learning. As part of Finham Park MAT and the Lion Alliance there is a multitude of professional development opportunities for staff to develop their individual skills and classroom practice.